The gruesome history of #Christianity

Today we are speaking on #Christianity, which, has its history.


  Before we begin, let’s make it clear:
We are not bashers… though, many will be bashed throughout our writings.  The studies & research we affiliate with is meant to ultumately benefit “every” single being” – globally!

#Obama knows “Why” #ISIS is upset!
As millions of #Americans watched his recent major media blast on the #Christian brutality during the Crusades. 


  The years (1095-1291) saw

some of the most heinous behavior of the Christian organization.

#Western #Christian #terrorism of the #Crusades against the #Arabs saw to it that death was executed as a mandatory, first-hand option.  This well-documented record of the cannibalistic and barbaric Crusaders, which is well known in the #Arab world, is rather obscure to most Westerners because it is either conveniently concealed or deeply buried in some unnoticed specialized books.



Of all the religious wars in #human #history waged by any #religion, at any place, and at any time, none have been bloodier, more #genocidal, more barbaric, and more protracted than the 200-year “holy wars” by the Western Crusades against the Arabs and Islam. The Western Crusaders horrifically soaked #Asia Minor and the #Eastern Arab #Mediterranean coast with Arab blood (both #Muslim and #Jewish). The objective of the Crusades was simple, to destroy the #Arabs (whether #Muslim or #Jew) in the #Holy #Land of #Palestine and its #environs “…on the ground that they had no right to #inhabit their part of the #earth, while for a Christian the whole #world is his country.


  As a result of the #centuries of Western conflicts and contacts with the Arabs, the age of the #greedy Western #international #capitalism and brutal #colonialism/#imperialism has emerged to the detriment and misery of the native peoples of #North America, #Central #America, #South America, the #Caribbean, the #Pacific,
#NewZealand, #Australia, #Tasmania, #Asia, #Africa, and the Arab world. Hence, the most important legacy of the Crusaders has been the sanctification of Western violence against non-Europeans in pursuit of imperialist and capitalist ends. The underlying concept of European holy wars against the Arabs and Islam has outlived its religious origin and has been absorbed in the institutions of Western governments. When #European #kings, #knights, and other rich upper classes grew stronger after the Crusades, they secularized the concept of justifiable #violence and extended it into the politico-economic #sphere. In effect, the Western #State has since replaced the Western #Church as a #holy #cause, as #IsIs has declared a holy #war.


#MustSee —> Obama says it best!

With hope that our people will continue to #awaken in times to come, we are here to imply researchable #truths that will open the #hearts & #minds of those receptive to a wise faction put forth by & through origins “not” of normal circumstance, yet to be organised  & formatted as a successive #ThinkTank!
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